Friday, November 26, 2010

Silhouette Giveaway!

There are so many amazing blogs and websites giving away this incredible machine! I love looking at blogs and let me tell you ALL of these ones are wonderful! Go check out these sites and enter the giveaway! Even if you don't want a silhouette you can give it to ME!!!!

Here are the givaways that I know of!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Oh my! Grossgrain is giving away a Sillhouette machine too! I just ran across this amazing blog and I am so excited to enter the giveaway there! Go check it out!

Thrifty Decor Chick is giving one away too! This is an awesome blog go see and enter the givaway!

AND The Idea Room is giving one away too! I love this site you need to go visit and check out all the great ideas!

Say What?

Over at How does She they are giving away a FREE Silhouette craft cutter! I know I already have a Wishblade, but I just can't figure out how to use the thing and the Silhouette is way more user friendly and they have a great blog to help you along! Wow! I would love to win this! I could do soooooo much with it. Cross your fingers or go and enter and cross your fingers for yourself! I will be happy if you win too!

Go check out How Does she's great blog and wnter their givaway!